What happens when Dell's Adamo and XPS laptops get set up on a date, have a few too many drinks and end up rocking the bed? The slimmer-than-Macbook-Air, 9.99 mm Dell Adamo XPS.
Dell is revealing next to nothing about its new best of breeds lappie today. All the micro site tells us is that it is 9.99 mm or .39 inches thin. Dell is cleverly showing it off today being 9/9/09 and all.
For a bit of measurement comparison, the original Adamo was .65 inches thin. The Macbook Air is 0.76 inches at its thickest point and 0.16 inches at the front. The Adamo XPS will be all around thinner than the Air it seems and from the single picture it sure looks it.
I hear the Adamo had a pretty brutal walk of shame. We are looking forward to details on the illegitimate child since we have no idea what is inside, what size the screen is or if it will cost less than a hybrid. [Dell Adamo XPS]
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